(too old to reply)
2014-07-24 07:14:49 UTC

Welcome to Refined part 4 (23/7/14)

24. GOD'S KARMA. I do not want to scare you but this is something the Spirit has compelled me to write down and especially on this date. Today 23rd July 2014 from 6pm onward. I told you that I no longer plan anything as I can only follow guidance.

God the Father has seen everything I see and hear. I told you that God knows your every thought and action since before you were born. God gives everyone a chance to turn from their evil ways. You have to understand that God's Karma is very, very real. All of my enemies have suffered (or will suffer) disputes, ailments, business collapse, accidents, addictions and death in their persecution of me. As for the masonic puppet-masters, God knows they are living a totally dark, deranged and miserable life (same as Gollum). The tickly bit has a price to pay and pay ye shall.

I had no hand in any of it. I am the One and only mediator between God the Father and men.

I get messages and connections everyday and in every way, ordinary man could never understand. I tried to tell you that Heaven threw a chopper to the ground. The message was clear to the lovers of the "prince of the power of the air". I have comprehensive documented proof of my enemies demise and/or downward spirals. It does not stop there, you will be judged, alive or dead.

Some rabid dogs (masonic controllers) will not listen. Do not believe that ye can take your crimes to the grave. I know that the perceived important people (corrupt rich leaders) strongly believe they are safe behind their 39 foot thick walls (Fort George). Death is nothing, judgement is everything. Where did I put that Scroll?. Now before the atheists and humanists (dead trees) try to point their dirty fingers at God, what would you do if the freemasons planned and murdered your Son?.

How many chances should God give you?. The message here is not to harbor hatred or revenge in your hearts, leave everything to God. I have previously told you that none of us will ever get human (luci-lovers) justice. Hear me closely, there is absolutely Nothing that happens without it being part of God's plan. Most of it is not pleasant, just remember we are "Passin the time till Father's Sign". God's Law will prevail.

25. R3 UPDATE, I posted R3 as No 25 as the Spirit left me a couple of hours that evening to post R3 out on that date. Some days the battle is more intense than other days. When I was a thief, the money did not mean much to me. I really loved the adrenalin. Thank you Father for preparing me for the Day (smile).

26. SPORTS. Why do the royal freemasons attach themselves to sports? Why the well-planned carrying of the false light (baton)?. Why take it to the uninhabitated St Kilda islands (Ki=119). Why take it to the freemasons Rosslyn Chapel. Why take it to an oil platform called St Clair (air). Why 39 days in Scotland before the opening? which coincidentally happens to be the 23rd July (161 days to the end of the year 161=119). I could give you much more. Checkout online about young Rik Clay (murdered by the establishment for exposing the occultic sport connection).

Lots of sports whack a round object, tennis ball, football, cricket, rugby, golf, snooker, etc. God could just whack the Earth clean out of the Universe that He created. I know He won't do that, He promised and besides, He has a family to look after. I tell ye again, do not be afraid.

27. MO = MOLECH = satan/luci (fact). More later.

28. HOLD YOUR TONGUE. Awaiting my half of one, I was writing notes about my personal rules. I wrote down an old Glasgow saying "Wheesht yer geggae" (hold your tongue). I asked the Spirit what to read today (8/7/14) and was intuitively told Psalm 34. I read from my KJV and verse 13 says "Keep thy tongue from speaking evil and thy lips from speaking guile" (deceit). Verse 14 also stood out "Depart from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it", another timely message. Then on Thurs eve (10/7/14) at the other Kirk Prayer time, the spiritual atmosphere was strong. I had spoken humour 3 times but nobody heard me. It was as if I wasn't there. It was clearly the work of the Spirit and the message was "Never become proud and/or become over confident". Hold your tongue and let the Spirit of God do His work. Do not hold your tongue against evil ways.

29. LORD OF THE FLIES aka satan/luci and we all know that flies feast (and lay their eggs = baby satans) on dung. Don't forget that satanists dress up as good in the community.

30. POLICE - CASH GENERATORS. Our? Police in the UK have changed their name to Cash Generators. They cannot solve serious crimes but they actively hide to catch you speeding. They scan every vehicle to look for a fine (no seatbelt on = using mobile?). Their cctv only works if no brothers (masons) are involved (fact). They play god by dropping crimes to save money. How come the police never investigate the criminal freemasons?. I do not hate the police, only the back scratching (masonic brotherhood) tactics.

If you think I have got it wrong about the masonic police/brotherhood then search online about the hundreds of people killed in police custody and not ONE conviction, do you understand criminal freemasonry yet?.

Here in Masonic Scotland, the police have started carrying guns in the Highlands and Islands (read online) where there is nominal crime. This move by Police Scotland was part of a very calculated long term plan by the top masons in the police (fact). If you remove your blinkers, you will see an agenda. The taxpayer posts their wages through the letterbox but this secret society will never open the door. Our? feral Police Force has become untouchable. They serve and protect their masters, the criminal elite. These freemasons swear allegiance to the queen of crooks (research duke of kent), not the taxpayer. It is not just a few bad apples in the barrel, the whole system is rotten. The freemasons are a human virus and is destroying society faster than we can repair it. The mason's motto is "To make good men better (crooks)".

Our? Police Force have become a huge sophisticated criminal organisation. They know all the answers and have a large legal team to protect themselves. How do we know this? our son was murdered over 2 years ago (still unsolved) and we recorded all of our calls. Seven promoted Policemen have refused to have a transparent, recorded meeting with us, why?. I mean our Son's murder is a no-brainer, 3 guys go for a drink and 2 come back. Then we witness masonic theatre (cover-up) in action right in front of us. Wakey wakey, you could be next. Police world wide are controlled by legion (satan entered Judas), I have seen this with my own eyes. If you do nothing - they win.

31. GOD'S GRACE. I have been telling people for decades that I love dogs. They are almost human and give unconditional love. I especially love dogs because you can trust a dog, it has become harder to trust a human. Also, if you spell "dog" backwards you have God. When we walk, I can talk to my dog and our God. I know they both love and protect me. They regularly warn me of hassle ahead (luci-lovers) so I change direction. My dog (Grace) is a gift from God. You may not own a dog but you can still have God's Grace with you every day. Don't just read the Beautiful Bible, hug, kiss and study it to get closer in your walk with Jesus. Sing "Just a closer walk with thee, grant it Jesus this my plea".

32. DREAMERS THRONES. Everything I write for you comes from the Spirit of God. Most of it has two or more meanings. Some of it is written for the satan/luci lovers who sit on dreamers thrones. The ways of evil men watch Joseph in the flesh, Joseph leads them to nowhere for evil men only understand the ways of men. But I tell my family, do not lean on your own understanding. The archers have sorely grieved but know this, there is no reward without commitment. Stay on the Jesus Way for there is no other Way. A Jewish man wrote a song called "You know who I am".

Take nothing personal and educate yourselves, satan/lucifer is very real and very crafty. To help you understand further, watch this You Tube Video

SIX MILLION JEWS 1915-1938 (must see)

From 10 newspapers from 1915-1938 before the Holocaust even happened. Wake up you fools. Yes, the false jews using their freemason army have a plan. The Beautiful Bible tells you so.

2014-10-24 09:50:01 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Welcome to Refined part 4 (23/7/14)
24. GOD'S KARMA. I do not want to scare you but this is something the Spirit has compelled me to write down and especially on this date. Today 23rd July 2014 from 6pm onward. I told you that I no longer plan anything as I can only follow guidance.
God the Father has seen everything I see and hear. I told you that God knows your every thought and action since before you were born. God gives everyone a chance to turn from their evil ways. You have to understand that God's Karma is very, very real. All of my enemies have suffered (or will suffer) disputes, ailments, business collapse, accidents, addictions and death in their persecution of me. As for the masonic puppet-masters, God knows they are living a totally dark, deranged and miserable life (same as Gollum). The tickly bit has a price to pay and pay ye shall.
I had no hand in any of it. I am the One and only mediator between God the Father and men.
I get messages and connections everyday and in every way, ordinary man could never understand. I tried to tell you that Heaven threw a chopper to the ground. The message was clear to the lovers of the "prince of the power of the air". I have comprehensive documented proof of my enemies demise and/or downward spirals. It does not stop there, you will be judged, alive or dead.
Some rabid dogs (masonic controllers) will not listen. Do not believe that ye can take your crimes to the grave. I know that the perceived important people (corrupt rich leaders) strongly believe they are safe behind their 39 foot thick walls (Fort George). Death is nothing, judgement is everything. Where did I put that Scroll?. Now before the atheists and humanists (dead trees) try to point their dirty fingers at God, what would you do if the freemasons planned and murdered your Son?.
How many chances should God give you?. The message here is not to harbor hatred or revenge in your hearts, leave everything to God. I have previously told you that none of us will ever get human (luci-lovers) justice. Hear me closely, there is absolutely Nothing that happens without it being part of God's plan. Most of it is not pleasant, just remember we are "Passin the time till Father's Sign". God's Law will prevail.
25. R3 UPDATE, I posted R3 as No 25 as the Spirit left me a couple of hours that evening to post R3 out on that date. Some days the battle is more intense than other days. When I was a thief, the money did not mean much to me. I really loved the adrenalin. Thank you Father for preparing me for the Day (smile).
26. SPORTS. Why do the royal freemasons attach themselves to sports? Why the well-planned carrying of the false light (baton)?. Why take it to the uninhabitated St Kilda islands (Ki=119). Why take it to the freemasons Rosslyn Chapel. Why take it to an oil platform called St Clair (air). Why 39 days in Scotland before the opening? which coincidentally happens to be the 23rd July (161 days to the end of the year 161=119). I could give you much more. Checkout online about young Rik Clay (murdered by the establishment for exposing the occultic sport connection).
Lots of sports whack a round object, tennis ball, football, cricket, rugby, golf, snooker, etc. God could just whack the Earth clean out of the Universe that He created. I know He won't do that, He promised and besides, He has a family to look after. I tell ye again, do not be afraid.
27. MO = MOLECH = satan/luci (fact). More later.
28. HOLD YOUR TONGUE. Awaiting my half of one, I was writing notes about my personal rules. I wrote down an old Glasgow saying "Wheesht yer geggae" (hold your tongue). I asked the Spirit what to read today (8/7/14) and was intuitively told Psalm 34. I read from my KJV and verse 13 says "Keep thy tongue from speaking evil and thy lips from speaking guile" (deceit). Verse 14 also stood out "Depart from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it", another timely message. Then on Thurs eve (10/7/14) at the other Kirk Prayer time, the spiritual atmosphere was strong. I had spoken humour 3 times but nobody heard me. It was as if I wasn't there. It was clearly the work of the Spirit and the message was "Never become proud and/or become over confident". Hold your tongue and let the Spirit of God do His work. Do not hold your tongue against evil ways.
29. LORD OF THE FLIES aka satan/luci and we all know that flies feast (and lay their eggs = baby satans) on dung. Don't forget that satanists dress up as good in the community.
30. POLICE - CASH GENERATORS. Our? Police in the UK have changed their name to Cash Generators. They cannot solve serious crimes but they actively hide to catch you speeding. They scan every vehicle to look for a fine (no seatbelt on = using mobile?). Their cctv only works if no brothers (masons) are involved (fact). They play god by dropping crimes to save money. How come the police never investigate the criminal freemasons?. I do not hate the police, only the back scratching (masonic brotherhood) tactics.
If you think I have got it wrong about the masonic police/brotherhood then search online about the hundreds of people killed in police custody and not ONE conviction, do you understand criminal freemasonry yet?.
Here in Masonic Scotland, the police have started carrying guns in the Highlands and Islands (read online) where there is nominal crime. This move by Police Scotland was part of a very calculated long term plan by the top masons in the police (fact). If you remove your blinkers, you will see an agenda. The taxpayer posts their wages through the letterbox but this secret society will never open the door. Our? feral Police Force has become untouchable. They serve and protect their masters, the criminal elite. These freemasons swear allegiance to the queen of crooks (research duke of kent), not the taxpayer. It is not just a few bad apples in the barrel, the whole system is rotten. The freemasons are a human virus and is destroying society faster than we can repair it. The mason's motto is "To make good men better (crooks)".
Our? Police Force have become a huge sophisticated criminal organisation. They know all the answers and have a large legal team to protect themselves. How do we know this? our son was murdered over 2 years ago (still unsolved) and we recorded all of our calls. Seven promoted Policemen have refused to have a transparent, recorded meeting with us, why?. I mean our Son's murder is a no-brainer, 3 guys go for a drink and 2 come back. Then we witness masonic theatre (cover-up) in action right in front of us. Wakey wakey, you could be next. Police world wide are controlled by legion (satan entered Judas), I have seen this with my own eyes. If you do nothing - they win.
31. GOD'S GRACE. I have been telling people for decades that I love dogs. They are almost human and give unconditional love. I especially love dogs because you can trust a dog, it has become harder to trust a human. Also, if you spell "dog" backwards you have God. When we walk, I can talk to my dog and our God. I know they both love and protect me. They regularly warn me of hassle ahead (luci-lovers) so I change direction. My dog (Grace) is a gift from God. You may not own a dog but you can still have God's Grace with you every day. Don't just read the Beautiful Bible, hug, kiss and study it to get closer in your walk with Jesus. Sing "Just a closer walk with thee, grant it Jesus this my plea".
32. DREAMERS THRONES. Everything I write for you comes from the Spirit of God. Most of it has two or more meanings. Some of it is written for the satan/luci lovers who sit on dreamers thrones. The ways of evil men watch Joseph in the flesh, Joseph leads them to nowhere for evil men only understand the ways of men. But I tell my family, do not lean on your own understanding. The archers have sorely grieved but know this, there is no reward without commitment. Stay on the Jesus Way for there is no other Way. A Jewish man wrote a song called "You know who I am".
Take nothing personal and educate yourselves, satan/lucifer is very real and very crafty. To help you understand further, watch this You Tube Video
SIX MILLION JEWS 1915-1938 (must see)
From 10 newspapers from 1915-1938 before the Holocaust even happened. Wake up you fools. Yes, the false jews using their freemason army have a plan. The Beautiful Bible tells you so.
Do fuck off somewhere else, there's a good chap.
2014-10-28 13:17:51 UTC
Post by broadssailor
Do fuck off somewhere else, there's a good chap.
Did you *have* to repost that load of twaddle with your riposte?
Rusty Hinge
To err is human. To really foul things up requires a computer and the BOFH.