2013-11-03 09:04:04 UTC
The Truth about the criminal freemasons (part 2)
Statement from Joe Stirling…..
I want to thank the Prison Planet Forum for educating me and giving me a voice over the last few years. I am not into revenge or hatred. I am trying hard to unite us. I love the One and only True God of the Bible and I know He loves all of us. You do not have to be a Christian to know the difference between right and wrong. Life is your test.
If you want Truth then follow the satanic-pretend-jews aka the "money-lenders". These selfish freaks murdered the brilliant young Rick Clay for exposing their numbers and codes. I am sure you know a good person that they murdered to preserve their material wealth and sexual perversions. Evil dresses up as good (royalty).
It is hard to know who to trust. I have recently apologised to Tony Gosling for any distrust or misunderstandings in the past. Checkout his hard work exposing Truth at his website and forum http://www.bilderberg.org/
Our son was murdered by the freemasons and the masons within the Scottish police are deliberately trying to stop us from getting justice. We have concrete evidence but the masons continue to block or ignore us (for now).
I do not hate masons for they have all been used/conned (says top mason Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma).
I can understand those controlled by secrecy (bullying). If you have an article or link to some accurate truth-seeking blogs and websites then post them here.
One thing is for sure, mankind is in a free-fall to oblivion, i,e. satan wins. Only your intervention (do something today) can install that little bit of Hope. On a more positive note, I know that good wins. I also know that useless eaters will not be rewarded. What purpose do they serve?.
I will not let "Satan the Gay" win. You have a choice to make.
Love, peace and FR33DOM, Joe Stirling.
I came across this question/answer on Tony Gosling's site…..
Is satan a servant of God?
Yes. In the Old Testament book of Job, Satan was authorised by God to test the sincerity, the genuineness of a person's faith and virtue. Job 1:12
Statement from Joe Stirling…..
I want to thank the Prison Planet Forum for educating me and giving me a voice over the last few years. I am not into revenge or hatred. I am trying hard to unite us. I love the One and only True God of the Bible and I know He loves all of us. You do not have to be a Christian to know the difference between right and wrong. Life is your test.
If you want Truth then follow the satanic-pretend-jews aka the "money-lenders". These selfish freaks murdered the brilliant young Rick Clay for exposing their numbers and codes. I am sure you know a good person that they murdered to preserve their material wealth and sexual perversions. Evil dresses up as good (royalty).
It is hard to know who to trust. I have recently apologised to Tony Gosling for any distrust or misunderstandings in the past. Checkout his hard work exposing Truth at his website and forum http://www.bilderberg.org/
Our son was murdered by the freemasons and the masons within the Scottish police are deliberately trying to stop us from getting justice. We have concrete evidence but the masons continue to block or ignore us (for now).
I do not hate masons for they have all been used/conned (says top mason Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma).
I can understand those controlled by secrecy (bullying). If you have an article or link to some accurate truth-seeking blogs and websites then post them here.
One thing is for sure, mankind is in a free-fall to oblivion, i,e. satan wins. Only your intervention (do something today) can install that little bit of Hope. On a more positive note, I know that good wins. I also know that useless eaters will not be rewarded. What purpose do they serve?.
I will not let "Satan the Gay" win. You have a choice to make.
Love, peace and FR33DOM, Joe Stirling.
I came across this question/answer on Tony Gosling's site…..
Is satan a servant of God?
Yes. In the Old Testament book of Job, Satan was authorised by God to test the sincerity, the genuineness of a person's faith and virtue. Job 1:12